An Honor for a Philosopher
Photograph of Ludwig von Mises
Original Preface, May 1952
Publisher's Preface to Fourth Edition

I. Planning for Freedom

    1. Planning as a synonym for socialism. 2. Planning as a synonym for interventionism. 3. What interventionism or mixed economy means. 4. Two patterns of socialism. 5. Only method of permanently raising wage rates for all. 6. Interventionism the cause of depression. 7. Marx condemned interventionism. 8. Minimum wage rates bring about mass unemployment. 9. Traditional labor union policies harmful to the worker 10. The social function of profit and loss. 11. A free market economy best serves the common man.

II. Middle-of-the-Road Policy Leads to Socialism

    1. Socialism. 2. Interventionism, allegedly a middle-of-the-road policy. 3. How interventionism works. 4. How price control leads to socialism. 5. The Zwangswirtschaft type of socialism. . German and British experience. 7. Crises and unemployment. 8. Two roads to socialism. 9. Foreign exchange control. 10. Progressive taxation. 11. The trend toward socialism. 12. Loopholes capitalism. 13. The coming of socialism not inevitable.

III. Laissez Faire or Dictatorship

    1. What the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences says about laissez faire. 2. Laissez faire means free market economy. 3. The Cairnes argument against laissez faire. 4. "Conscious planning" versus "automatic forces." 5. The satisfaction of man's "true" needs. 6. "Positive" policies versus "negative" policies. 7. Conclusion.

IV. Stones Into Bread, the Keynesian Miracle

V. Lord Keynes and Say's Law

VI. Inflation and Price Control

    1. The futility of price control. 2. Price control in Germany. 3. Popular inflation fallacies. 4. Fallacies must not be imported.

VII. Economic Aspects of the Pension Problem

    1. On whom does the incidence fall? 2. Pensions and the purchasing power of the dollar. 3. Pensions and the "new economics."

VIII. Benjamin M. Anderson Challenges The Philosophy of the Pseudo-Progressives

    1. The two lines of Marxian thought and policies. 2. The guide of the progressives. 3. Anderson's fight against destructionism. 4. Anderson's posthumous economic history.

IX. Profit and Loss

    A. The Economic Nature of Profit and Loss

    1. The emergence of profit and loss. 2. The distinction between profits and other proceeds. 3. Non-profit conduct of affairs. 4. The ballot of the market. 5. The social function of profit and loss. 6. Profit and loss in the progressing and in the retrogressing economy. 7. The conputation of profit and loss.

    B. The Condemnation of Profit

    1. Economics and the abolition of profit. 2. The consequences of the abolition of profit. 3. The anti-profit arguments. 4. The equality argument. 5. Communism and poverty. 6. The moral condemnation of the profit motive. 7. The static mentality.

    C. The Alternative

X. Wages, Unemployment and Inflation

    1. Wages ultimately paid by the consumers. 2. What makes wages rise. 3. What causes unemployment 4. Credit expansion no substitute for capital 5. Inflation cannot go on endlessly. 6. The policy of the unions. 7. The purchasing power argument. 8. Wage rates as such not inflationary. 9. The dilemma of present day policies. 10. Insincerity in the fight against inflation. 11. The importance of sound monetary policies.

XI. Economic Teaching at the Universities

    1. Methods of the "progressive" teachers. 2. The alleged impartiality of the universities. 3. How modern history is taught. 4. The Proscription of sound economics.

XII. Trends Can Change

XIII. The Political Chances of Genuine Liberalism

XIV. The Gold Problem

    1. The fiction of government omnipotence. 2. The "cheap-money" fallacy. 3. The failure of minimum wage legislation and of union coercion. 4. The inescapable consequence, namely, the United States government gold holdings will shrink.

XV. Capital Supply and American Prosperity

XVI. Liberty and Its Antithesis

XVII. My Contributions to Economic Theory

    Also: The Essential von Mises
    by Murray N. Rothbard
      I. The Austrian School
      II. Mises and "Austrian Economics": The Theory of Money and Credit
      III. Mises on the Business Cycle
      IV. Mises in the Inter-Ware Period
      V. Socialism and Economic Calculation
      VI. Mises on the Methodology of Economics
      VII. Human Action
      VIII. Mises in America
      IX. The Way Out; Hope for the Futures

Salute to Von Mises by Dr. Henry Hazlitt
Mises' Private Seminar, Prof. Gottfried Haberler
How Mises Changes My Mind, Dr. Albert Hunold
Ludwig von Mises, Distinguished Fellow Citation

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